Global Storage Operations

Move programs can create, delete, and update resources in global storage using the following five instructions:



Publish T under signer.address

If signer.address already holds a T

move_from<T>(address): T

Remove T from address and return it

If address does not hold a T

borrow_global_mut<T>(address): &mut T

Return a mutable reference to the T stored under address

If address does not hold a T

borrow_global<T>(address): &T

Return an immutable reference to the T stored under address

If address does not hold a T

exists<T>(address): bool

Return true if a T is stored under address


Each of these instructions is parameterized by a type T with the key ability. However, each type T must be declared in the current module. This ensures that a resource can only be manipulated via the API exposed by its defining module. The instructions also take either an address &signer representing the account address where the resource of type T is stored.

module my_addrx::counter {
    use std::signer;
    use std::account;

    /// Resource that wraps an integer counter
    struct Counter has key { i: u64 }

    /// Publish a `Counter` resource with value `i` under the given `account`
    public fun publish(account: &signer, i: u64) {
      // "Pack" (create) a Counter resource. This is a privileged operation that
      // can only be done inside the module that declares the `Counter` resource
      move_to(account, Counter { i })

    /// Read the value in the `Counter` resource stored at `addr`
    public fun get_count(addr: address): u64 acquires Counter {

    /// Increment the value of `addr`'s `Counter` resource
    public fun increment(addr: address) acquires Counter {
        let c_ref = &mut borrow_global_mut<Counter>(addr).i;
        *c_ref = *c_ref + 1

    /// Reset the value of `account`'s `Counter` to 0
    public fun reset(account: &signer) acquires Counter {
        let c_ref = &mut borrow_global_mut<Counter>(signer::address_of(account)).i;
        *c_ref = 0

    /// Delete the `Counter` resource under `account` and return its value
    public fun delete(account: &signer): u64 acquires Counter {
        // remove the Counter resource
        let c = move_from<Counter>(signer::address_of(account));
        // "Unpack" the `Counter` resource into its fields. This is a
        // privileged operation that can only be done inside the module
        // that declares the `Counter` resource
        let Counter { i } = c;

    /// Return `true` if `addr` contains a `Counter` resource
    public fun resource_exists(addr: address): bool {

    #[test(admin = @0x123)]
    public entry fun test_flow(admin: signer) acquires Counter 

In the counter example, you might have noticed that the get_count, increment, reset, and delete functions are annotated with acquires Counter. A Move function m::f must be annotated with acquires T if and only if:

  • The body of m::f contains a move_from<T>, borrow_global_mut<T>, or borrow_global<T> instruction, or

  • The body of m::f invokes a function m::g declared in the same module that is annotated with acquires.

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