Unit test
Unit testing for Move adds three new annotations to the Move source language:
, and#[expected_failure]
They respectively mark a function as a test, mark a module or module member (use
, function, or struct) as code to be included for testing only, and mark that a test is expected to fail. These annotations can be placed on a function with any visibility. Whenever a module or module member is annotated as #[test_only]
or #[test]
, it will not be included in the compiled bytecode unless it is compiled for testing.
Unit tests for a Move package can be run with the aptos move test
There are also a number of options that can be passed to the unit testing binary to fine-tune testing and to help debug failing tests. These can be found using the the help flag:
A simple module using some of the unit testing features is shown in the following example:
Running test:
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