Move does not have native type for strings, therefore in order to use strings we have to include string module or we can use vector<u8> for storing byte string.
//using string module
module my_addrx::Strings{
use std::debug;
use std::string::{String,utf8};
fun greeting():String {
let greet:String = utf8(b"Welcome to Aptos Move by Example");
return greet
fun testing(){
let greet=greeting();
//using vector<u8> for representing byte string
module my_addrx::Strings{
use std::debug;
use std::string::utf8;
fun greeting():vector<u8> {
let greet:vector<u8> = b"Welcome to Aptos move by examples";
return greet
fun testing(){
let greet=greeting();
debug::print(&greet); //It will print byte string literal form