Uses and Aliases

The use syntax can be used to create aliases to members in other modules. use can be used to create aliases that last either for the entire module, or for a given expression block scope.


use <address>::<module name>;
use <address>::<module name> as <module alias name>;
use <address>::<module name>::<module member>;
use <address>::<module name>::<module member> as <member alias>;
use <address>::<module name>::{<module member>, <module member> as <member alias> ... };

Some examples:

use std::vector;
use std::debug as d;
use std::debug::print as p;


If you need to add an alias to the Module itself in addition to module members, you can do that in a single use using Self. Self is a member of sorts that refers to the module.

use std::simple_map::{Self, SimpleMap};

Inside a module:

Inside of a module all use declarations are usable regardless of the order of declaration.

module  my_addrx::example {
    use std::vector;

    fun example(): vector<u8> {
        let v = empty();
        vector::push_back(&mut v, 0);
        vector::push_back(&mut v, 10);

    use std::vector::empty;

The aliases declared by use in the module usable within that module.

Inside an expression:

You can add use declarations to the beginning of any expression block

module  my_addrx::example {

    fun example(): vector<u8> {
        use std::vector::{empty, push_back};

        let v = empty();
        push_back(&mut v, 0);
        push_back(&mut v, 10);

As with let, the aliases introduced by use in an expression block are removed at the end of that block.

module  my_addrx::example {

    fun example(): vector<u8> {
        let result = {
            use std::vector::{empty, push_back};
            let v = empty();
            push_back(&mut v, 0);
            push_back(&mut v, 10);

Attempting to use the alias after the block ends will result in an error

fun example(): vector<u8> {
    let result = {
        use std::vector::{empty, push_back};
        let v = empty();
        push_back(&mut v, 0);
        push_back(&mut v, 10);
    let v2 = empty(); // ERROR!
//           ^^^^^ unbound function 'empty'

Any use must be the first item in the block. If the use comes after any expression or let, it will result in a parsing error

    let x = 0;
    use std::vector; // ERROR!
    let v = vector::empty();

Naming convention:

Aliases must follow the same rules as other module members. This means that aliases to structs or constants must start with A to Z.

Unused Use or Alias:

An unused use will result in an error

module my_addrx::Example
    use std::debug; //ERROR -> Unused 'use' of alias 'debug'. Consider removing it

    fun printing()
        //do nothing

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