The use syntax can be used to create aliases to members in other modules. use can be used to create aliases that last either for the entire module, or for a given expression block scope.
use <address>::<module name>;
use <address>::<module name> as <module alias name>;
use <address>::<module name>::<module member>;
use <address>::<module name>::<module member> as <member alias>;
use <address>::<module name>::{<module member>, <module member> as <member alias> ... };
Some examples:
use std::vector;
use std::debug as d;
use std::debug::print as p;
If you need to add an alias to the Module itself in addition to module members, you can do that in a single use using Self. Self is a member of sorts that refers to the module.
use std::simple_map::{Self, SimpleMap};
Inside a module:
Inside of a module all use declarations are usable regardless of the order of declaration.
module my_addrx::example {
use std::vector;
fun example(): vector<u8> {
let v = empty();
vector::push_back(&mut v, 0);
vector::push_back(&mut v, 10);
use std::vector::empty;
The aliases declared by use in the module usable within that module.
Inside an expression:
You can add use declarations to the beginning of any expression block
module my_addrx::example {
fun example(): vector<u8> {
use std::vector::{empty, push_back};
let v = empty();
push_back(&mut v, 0);
push_back(&mut v, 10);
As with let, the aliases introduced by use in an expression block are removed at the end of that block.
module my_addrx::example {
fun example(): vector<u8> {
let result = {
use std::vector::{empty, push_back};
let v = empty();
push_back(&mut v, 0);
push_back(&mut v, 10);
Attempting to use the alias after the block ends will result in an error
fun example(): vector<u8> {
let result = {
use std::vector::{empty, push_back};
let v = empty();
push_back(&mut v, 0);
push_back(&mut v, 10);
let v2 = empty(); // ERROR!
// ^^^^^ unbound function 'empty'
Any use must be the first item in the block. If the use comes after any expression or let, it will result in a parsing error
let x = 0;
use std::vector; // ERROR!
let v = vector::empty();
Naming convention:
Aliases must follow the same rules as other module members. This means that aliases to structs or constants must start with A to Z.
Unused Use or Alias:
An unused use will result in an error
module my_addrx::Example
use std::debug; //ERROR -> Unused 'use' of alias 'debug'. Consider removing it
fun printing()
//do nothing