Token V2

What is Token V2?

The Aptos token v2 standard was developed with the following as an improvement on the Aptos Token standard. It has these ideas in mind:

  • Flexibility - NFTs are flexible and can be customised to accommodate any creative designs.

  • Composability - Multiple NFTs can be easily composed together, such that the final object is greater than the sum of its parts

  • Scalability - Greater parallelism between tokens

Key Difference between Token V2 and other Aptos token standard:

  • Token V2 is an object based token.

  • Decoupled token ownership from token data

  • Explicit data model for token metadata via adjacent resources

  • Extensible framework for tokens

Comparison between Token V1 and Token V2:

  • Token can be easily extended with custom data and functionalities without requiring any changes in the framework

  • Transfers simply a reference update

  • Direct transfer is allowed without an opt in

  • NFTs can own other NFTs adding easy composability

  • Soul bound tokens can be easily supported

Lets understand Token V2 using a simple example for creating a token

module my_addrx::TokenV2
    use std::signer;
    use aptos_framework::object; 
    use std::option;
    use aptos_token_objects::token::{Self, Token};
    use aptos_token_objects::royalty;
    use std::string::String;

    public entry fun create_token(account: &signer,collection_name: String, token_name: String, token_description: String, token_uri: String ) {
        let signer_address = signer::address_of(account);
        let royalty = royalty::create(1, 10, signer_address);
        //minting nft
        let token_constructor_ref = token::create_named_token(
        let obj = object::object_from_constructor_ref<Token>(&token_constructor_ref);
        //Transfering the NFT to the signer of the transaction
        let obj_signer = object::generate_signer(&token_constructor_ref);   

For more details follow this.

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