
Installing IDE and environment setup.

Install Move IDE

To install it you'll need:

  1. VSCode (version 1.43.0 and above) - you can get it here; if you already have one - proceed to the next step;

  2. Move-Analyzer IDE - once VSCode is installed, follow this link to install the newest version of IDE.

Install Aptos CLI

You can get it here.

Running code using aptos CLI:

Firstly you folder structure should be like this:



module my_addrx::Sample
    use std::debug;

    fun sample_function()

    fun testing()


name = "move_project"
version = "0.0.0"

AptosFramework = { git = "", subdir = "aptos-move/framework/aptos-framework", rev = "mainnet" }

my_addrx = "0x42"
std = "0x1"

Compile the module:

Run aptos move compile in vscode terminal for compiling the module.

Test the module:

Run aptos move test in vscode terminal for running the unit test.

Check this out for more information on Aptos CLI.

Last updated