Move supports three primitive data types : integer, boolean and addresses.
Integer: u8,u64,u128
Boolean: true,false
Addresses: address
Move does not have string type or floating type.
module my_addrx::PrimitiveTypes
use std::debug::print;
fun primitive_types() {
//Integers: u8,u64,u128
let a:u8=10;
let b:u64=1000;
let c:u128=10000;
print(&a); print(&b); print(&c);
//Boolean: true,false
let b1:bool=true;
let b2:bool=false;
print(&b1); print(&b2);
//Address: addresses in move are represented by @Variable_name
let addx1:address=@std;
let addx2:address=@0x123;
print(&addx1); print(&addx2);
fun test_primitive_types() {